Welcome to the September edition of Travel Blogger News! Here are the best articles and news related to the business of travel blogging from the last month.
Travel Blogging
Our blogging secrets revealed – everything we do to grow our blogs – Another great post by Jeremy about running a travel blog. [Living the Dream]
Three mistakes I made with my newsletter – [Pack Your Passport]
Why I don’t delete mean blog comments – [Alex in Wanderland]
What to post on a travel blog: 37 ideas: a step-by-step guide – [Pkjulesworld]
Travel Writing
Freelance travel writing jobs – 81 publications that buy travel articles – [Travel Write Earn]
A travel writer’s guide to the new world – Travel writer and author Martin Symington tells how he has adapted his work to a changed media landscape. [ALCS]
How I got a book deal through my travel blog – Lauren Juliff guest posts for Pro Blogger on how she landed a book deal and became a published author by starting a travel blog and standing out from the crowd.
How to make actual money as a travel writer – Good advice from an actual travel writer, Theodora Sutcliffe.
Confessions of a travel writer: maintaining integrity – By Nick Boulos for Wanderlust.
Travel Influencers
Travel blogger integrity: paid for positivity? – Jayne Gorman on being paid to blog. [Girl Tweets World]
7 steps to get “influencers” to share your product (as told by one) – Stephanie Be has a detailed breakdown on how brands can work with bloggers. [Travel Break]
Understanding professional travel blogging: explained with a case study – [Traveldudes]
Can travel bloggers influence destination marketing? – Matt Gibson shares his strategies on how both sides of the industry can work together effectively. [PATA Conversations]
Defining moment for advocate and influencer marketing – [Tnooz]
Travel Photography
The tyranny of the travel photographer – Dylan Goldby on etiquette when taking photos that can by applied for bloggers as well. [Fstoppers]
Social Media
Social media for travel blogging – [Lifetime Backpacker]
Why I prefer Instagram Stories over Snapchat for marketing your business – [Digital Nomad Quest]
First impressions of Instagram Stories after 10,000+ views – [Build My Online Store]
Travel Influencers: Don’t fall for the Instagram Stories trap – [KarryOn]
Facebook’s new anti-clickbait algorithm buries bogus headlines – [TechCrunch]
The first year of travel blogging – [Postcards and Passports]
My 1 year of travel blogging – [The Red Phone Box Travels]
On Travel Blogging
Becoming a full-time travel blogger – Marek from Indie Traveller has gone full-time after traffic and revenue from his blog suddenly doubled. [Indie Traveller]
My personal journey: how I created a life of travel – Nellie celebrates her 13-year anniversary of the day she left Singapore and how she eventually became a travel blogger. [Wild Junket]
13 things I have learned about travel blogging in the last 15 months – [My Adventures Across the World]
The honest truth on how I became a full-time travel blogger – [Polkadot Passport]
Income Reports
Income and blogging stats reported in August for the month of July, 2016.
July blog income report (and traffic, too) – [The Wandering Gourmand]
July monthly income report: $274.30 – [The Restless Worker]
July nomad income report 2016: the drawdown – [The Luxpats]
Conferences and Events
TBEX Stockholm
Slides + Video – Transitions As Opportunities – Lola Akinmade’s TBEX Stockholm keynote presentation notes. [Lola Akinmade]
Profiting from running multiple travel blogs – Summary of Tim Leffel’s talk at TBEX. [Travel Writing 2.0]
TBEX: Why every travel blogger should attend at least once – [Traveleira]
In The News
This guy quit a comfortable job to travel the world — here’s how he makes a living on the road – [CNBC]
YouTube stars are now being used for North Korean propaganda – British vlogger Louis Cole just wants to focus on the positive things about one of the world’s most oppressive nations. [Vanity Fair]
This is how travel blogging is ruining my experience of travel – By Sebastiaan Rijntjes. [news.com.au]
New Posts at Travel Bloggers Guide
How to fund all your overseas adventures through freelance copywriting – Kevin Casey is a freelance copywriter who makes money writing for places you might not have thought of.
Getting that letter of assignment – Veteran travel writer Roy Stevenson on how to secure a letter of assignment when pitching to CVB’s.
How to make your travel blog SEO-friendly – Hannah Wright offers expert tips on making sure your WordPress blog is search engine friendly.
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If you’ve written or read a recent article related to travel blogging send it to us for inclusion in next month’s roundup. If I missed any from last month let me know and I will add it.
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